Simpson to host NCWWC Regional on Friday
Zimmerman named NWCA Regional Wrestler of the Month
Simpson places fourth at Division III Invitational
Women’s wrestling tallies first home dual victory
Four wrestlers crowned champions at first A-R-C Invitational
Simpson posts a 4-1 record at the Kalahari Duals
Teghan Booth
For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career while toppling many individual events accomplishments. For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career. For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career while toppling many individual events accomplishments. For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career
Ronaldo Ordaz
For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career while toppling many individual events accomplishments. For freshman Emily Hilt, Sunday marked a first in her young Crusader career