Simpson student-athletes gain new opportunities with Career Athletes
Career Athletes is a website that gives Simpson student-athletes an opportunity to network with other athletes from Simpson and also athletes from various colleges. Career Athletes is a leading provider of development services to student-athletes. With Career Athletes, you can search for internship and job opportunities, connect with various businesses, download your resume, write a short bio for employers to see, and make yourself more marketable. Career Athletes is a valuable tool for students who are making the transition from college to the workplace.
Joining is easy and free!
Steps to join:
1. Visit careerathletes.com/simpsoncollege
2. Click on the red box that says, "Join Today"
3. Register as a current athlete, alumni or mentor
4. Create your account
5. Career athletes is fairly new, so make sure to tell your friends
about it! It is a great way to find out about internships and jobs
for the future.
Director of Athletics John Sirianni had this to say about Career Athletes: "Career Athletes is our newest student-athlete support program and is in its third year with the athletic department at Simpson College. It is an integral part of our student-athletes' experience and we are hopeful that it will aid in job identification, job search and job placement for our athletes."